Saturday, November 3, 2012

Stewart Alexander for President and Alex Mendoza for Vice President?

The next person on the voting ballot for president is candidate Stewart Alexander of the Socialist Party.
Budget and Taxation-

  • A progressive tax structure, including:
    • a steeply graduated tax system for personal income
    • the taxation of capital gains
    • an estate tax that places limits on the transfer of capital generation to generation
  • Proper taxation of the financial assets of the 1%:
    • a tax on Wall Street transactions
    • the assessment and taxation of stocks, bonds and funds held in offshore accounts
    • the creation of a serious corporate tax structure without loopholes
  • Taxation that ties capital to the community:
    • punitive taxation on multinational corporations and other large employers who seek to move their businesses elsewhere
    • taxes on all businesses to be paid into a fund that supports community educational, cultural and development projects.
  • Reversing State and Local bankruptcies:
    • a Federal Fund to bail out bankrupt state and local governments
    • encouraging state and local governments to adopt similar tax strategies

Our educational model will use public monies to fully fund high-quality education from age 3 through graduate school
  • Full and equal funding of public education and the restoration of a comprehensive K-12 curriculum, including art, music, world languages, and physical education
  • Comprehensive Early Childhood Education including free or low-cost childcare from birth to age three and high quality universal nursery and pre-k programs for 3 and 4 year olds.  These programs will be staffed with highly qualified early childhood teachers and professionals.
  • An egalitarian educational system that accommodates a wide range of teaching and learning styles and provides all students with the means to obtain post-secondary education
  • Student, parent, and teacher control of curriculum formation, and in the hiring and dismissal procedures of school personnel through local school/community committees
  • Vigorous affirmative action programs so that the faculty and student-body of all schools reflect the community at large in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and economic background
  • Opportunities for lifelong self-education, with retraining programs and transitional financial support for workers displaced by technological advances
  • Full funding for Adult Education - We pledge to keep the GED test under public control and administered free of charge.  We support full funding for a variety of adult education and ESOL classes.
It will take a radical plan to turn this crisis around – a plan that strengthens and empowers the working class:
  • Create an emergency federal jobs program that immediately puts unemployed and underemployed in jobs that will clean up the environment, expand and strengthen public infrastructure and develop new clean energy resources.
  • Tax the top 1% wealthiest Americans and direct those dollars towards the development of new sectors that benefit people including re-building the manufacturing capacity of the economy.
  • Use public dollars to create a worker-owned and worker-managed co-operative sector
  • Move to a system of job-sharing and job-splitting where people work few hours for the same amount of pay
Stewart Alexander's vice president is Alex Mendoza.

(Credits go to for the information.)

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