Saturday, November 3, 2012

Josh Mandel for U.S. Senator?

The first person on the voting ballot for U.S. Senator is candidate Josh Mandel of the Republican Party.
Balance the Federal Budget- 
**Grow the economy. The budget will not balance through spending cuts alone. It must be a balanced approach of spending cuts and economic growth.
**Balance the federal budget. The failure of Washington to control its spending for so long requires us to make a multi-year commitment to spending discipline and policies to promote economic growth.
**Balanced Budget Amendment. Let the American people have the opportunity to limit the Washington politicians’ ability to spend like there is no tomorrow.

Achieving American Energy Independence- 
**Embark on a pro-American energy policy. We must make energy independence our national mission with an all-of-the-above, free-market strategy to maximize the natural resources with which we have been blessed.
**Remove barriers to energy exploration. Artificial federal barriers to drilling and refining must be removed.
**Allow the Keystone Pipeline to proceed. It makes common sense for us to pursue more energy from the American continent instead of oil from unstable and unsafe sources like those in the Middle East.

Providing Accessible and Affordable Healthcare- 
**Repeal Government-run Healthcare. If it is not overturned by the Supreme Court, this legislation must be repealed and Congress must start over with healthcare reform that reduces costs, improves accessibility, and protects the doctor/patient relationship.
**Allow health insurance to be purchased across state lines. Increased competition among insurers will reduce prices while protecting quality.
**Give small business owners and individuals the tools they need. Employers should be given the opportunity to reduce healthcare costs through innovative ideas like association health plans, and people should be given the same tax treatment as businesses when writing their healthcare costs.
**Allow more choice and competition. Ideas like health savings accounts must be encouraged as a way to reduce costs and increase accountability for healthcare.

(Credit goes to for the given information.)

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