Saturday, November 3, 2012

Rick Beer for County Recorder?

The first person on the voting ballot for County Recorder is candidate Rick Beer of the Democratic Party.

Rick Beer (democratic)-

What are the major issues you would face if elected, and what would you do about them?

Getting the office back to where it was before the current Recorder was appointed, I have a 12 point plan to achieve this. 1st Meet with the staff as a group and as individuals discuss work flow and work loads. 2nd Review department's formal and informal organization. 3rd Meet with each interfacing county departments. 4th Request a complete audit of the office. 5th Review state statute compliance. 6th Review past audit reports. 7th Review staffing levels, budget and allocation and actual expenditures. 8th Analyze document intake type, source and volume. 9th Review records archival system and storage preservation. 10th Examine intradepartmental interface for seamless exchange of data and information. 11th Examine signature authentication techniques. 12th Review department training plan, if none create one and focus on cross training personnel.
Can the recorder's office take a more active role in helping buyers through the process of buying and/or selling a home? How?
The Recorder's office can take an active role in helping buyers and sellers. I would implement a subdivision file system to assist homeowners and developers in finding restrictions, easements and homeowners associations that are located on the property they own, or may want to purchase. If a potential homebuyer or seller comes into the office,with my Real Estate knowledge I would be able to direct them to appropriate documents or agencies.
How can the recorder improve access to public records, such as property information?
As we look to the future, we need to review our current computer system and contracts with companies we are currently working with to determine what options are available for improvement. The current computer system is unproductive and inefficent for a county of our growing size. Our current Recorder made the change to the current computer system without considering the quality of the product or obtaining feedback from our private sector partners. To perserve our records for future genereations, I would strive to convert more of our physical records into digital format that would accessible by computer. Lastly, I would review the departments formal and informal organization, and exam staffing numbers to determine if we have the appropriate quanity of personnel to deal with the growing amountof documents needing to be filed.

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