Saturday, November 3, 2012

John K. Hartman for County Commissioner?

The first person on the voting ballot for County Commissioner is candidate John K. Hartman of the Democratic Party.

John Hartman (democratic)-

What are the major issues facing your county, and what will you do about them if elected?

I believe my proposal for charter reform, where four county commissioners would be elected by districts and one elected at-large, would lay the groundwork for meeting the financial needs of Delaware County in the future. Under my proposal, the county commissioners would become part-time rather than the current full-time and the county government would be run by an elected county executive overseen by the commissioners. This would increase accountability and get the government closer to the people. Some elected county positions would be phased out, but the many hard-working county employees would continue to provide valuable service. Charter reform would enable functions to be combined and would free up money for economic development and safety without increasing taxes.

What else would you like to say to voters in your county?

In order to maintain the quality of life in Delaware County, I believe its leaders should be increasingly vigilant to insure its orderly development. My proposed charter reform, with four commissioners elected by districts and an elected county executive, would lay the groundwork for guiding future growth. Regarding specific projects, I believe a new interchange along I-71, if built, should be done with the needs of the public first and foremost. Elected officials should decide its location and then coordinate with private developers, not vice versa. If fracking and storage of fracking fluid come to Delaware County, they should be carefully scrutinized and monitored so as not to endanger residents or upset the quality of life. We should all support the neighbors in Concord Township in seeing that new power lines stick to existing locations and are not built through people's homesteads. Installation of weather warning sirens throughout the county will be a high priority if I am elected.

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