Saturday, November 3, 2012

Melissa Jordan for County Recorder?

The next person on the voting ballot for County Recorder is candidate Melissa Jordan of the Republican Party.   

Melissa Jordan (republican)-

What are the major issues you would face if elected, and what would you do about them? 

Like all office holders, I need to provide a quality, efficient service at the lowest cost to taxpayers. In these tough economic times, and always, this needs to be the primary concern in local, state and national government. I have proven I can do this by cutting my own budget, improving efficiency by streamlining the workflow process, and making the tough decisions necessary to keep a simple promise to the taxpayers. I will guard your tax dollars in a way that should be expected of any office holder, and I will provide an efficient, quality service at the same time.  

Can the recorder's office take a more active role in helping buyers through the process of buying and/or selling a home? How? 

The duties of the Recorder's Office are to record documents and make public records accessible. These documents are typically associated with a transfer in real property. Unfortunately, we cannot provide legal advice to buyers, sellers, or realtors regarding the process of selling or buying a home. The Recorder's office should have readily available all public records for realtors, home buyers, and any other member of the public to research documents of interest. Our office makes searching these public records easy. The individual or entity can search online for free from their home computer, or, they can come into the office and use any of our public workstations. Any member of the public who needs to file a document with our office can do so during regular office hours. Many documents can be filed electronically through a third party, which improves access to the Recorder's Office for many.

How can the recorder improve access to public records, such as property information? 
While the Recorder's Office is not required to provide online access to property information, we do so through a search link on our website at: This way the public can have 24/7 access to property information that they would otherwise have to access during office hours by physically coming into the office. The other way we make property information available to the public is through the use of our public search room. This room is accessible by anyone who comes into the office and wishes to look up public records. We have over a dozen public workstations designed for this purpose.

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