Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gary Merrell for County Commissioner

The next person on the voting ballot for County Commissioner is candidate Gary Merrell of the Republican Party.

Gary Merrell (republican)-

What are the major issues facing your county, and what will you do about them if elected?

There are those in the other party who believe bigger government and more taxes solve all problems. Being a fiscal conservative, I disagree. Generally, less government and living within one's means leads to better government. That is the number one issue—spending our dollars wisely by being a “smart” fiscal conservative. Issues facing our county include resolving the duplication of services with EMS, completion of Sawmill Parkway, improving traffic flow at 36/37 & 7l, working with our townships to help them resolve the real financial issues they face, etc. Unlike many candidates, I do not presume to have all the answers. Issues facing Delaware County have much to do with leadership. Frankly, that is why I decided to run. To lead, one must listen. This is a point I have heard over and over as I have spoken to Delaware voters; they feel no one is listening. I will listen. I will spend our tax dollars wisely.

What else would you like to say to voters in your county?

The decision to seek one of the county commissioner positions was not done lightly. It was done only after personal evaluation, talking to county leaders, friends, neighbors, and family, and evaluating my skill set to see if there was a good fit for commissioner. Along with the other two commissioners, I can help make our county more efficient in how we use our voters’ tax dollars to operate and grow the county. But more than that, we need integrity which leads to trust by our voters. We need leadership that will create an environment for quality job growth throughout the county. I do not have all the answers today, but I will ask the questions that will help me learn what is necessary to make the best decisions. First and foremost, I will be led by the acid test of whether the vote I am about to cast is not only in the best short term interest of our county, but ultimately is in the long term best interest of the entire county as well.

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