Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ken O'Brien for County Commissioner?

The next person on the voting ballot for County Commissioner is candidate Ken O'Brien of the Republican Party. 

Ken O’Brien (republican)-

What are the major issues facing your county, and what will you do about them if elected?

There are three major issues facing the county: Improve infrastructure, create new high-paying jobs, and sharing services with other entities to reduce costs while improving services. Infrastructure is important for the safety, efficiency and economic development of our county. I support a better thought-out sewer plan, fiber deployment and needed improvements to roads and bridges to lessen congestion and improve our quality of life. I promote the development of high-paying jobs that have a quick return on tax incentives. I advocate working with the private sector in a smart fashion. Working with Consolidated Electric is an example. As they were installing their fiber, I pushed to build our own fiber simultaneously which reduced costs for them and us. Sharing services also saves money. I worked diligently to save money in consolidating 911 with the city. I now work with our neighboring counties to save money with our joint detention center (COYC) and our solid waste district (DKMM).
What else would you like to say to voters in your county?
I advocate for small, efficient government. I believe in low taxes for all residents and businesses. Tax abatements should be used sparingly to gain high-paying jobs and should not favor new businesses over existing ones. I successfully fought for, and am committed to, keeping the 1 mill tax roll-back. I worked with other elected officials to save a quarter million dollars per year in leased space. I have built consensus with neighboring counties for shared solutions to provide quality services at a reasonable cost. The county should help municipalities and townships to grow in a smart well-planned manner so that infrastructure is built to optimize use at a reasonable cost. I will continue to work to keep Delaware county the premier place to work, live, learn and play.    

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