Saturday, November 3, 2012

Richard Duncan for President and Ricky Johnson for Vice President?

The first person on the voting ballot for president is candidate Richard Duncan of the Nonparty.
Foreign Policy- Maintaining a strong foreign policy aimed at averting nuclear attacks worldwide and future attacks in America by terrorists.Our involvement will be focused on preventing sanctuaries of terrorists from building up in foreign lands. However, much effort will be placed on the prevention of invasions into foreign lands due to the costs of loss of lives and the costs to rebuild these nations. Military spending will not be cut in the budget.
Jobs and Economics- Implementing the Federal Jobs and Economic Boost Act also known as the Duncan Plan. This legislation will designate geographic areas which will encourage corporations to locate therein under the conditions that they hire only citizens at reasonable wages and provide health care plans. Incentives will be given to the businesses such as reduced land costs and lower rents to help offset the advantages of outsourcing and offshoring American jobs. Taxes- Taxes will accrue to all levels of government from these projects and by putting people to work will reduce the costs of welfare programs thus our federal deficit will be reduced toward balancing it in the future. Corporations who participate in this Patriotic Act will be highly praised for being mindful of Americas future! I also will propose 20 plus other strategies to get jobs back in our country such as lowering corporate tax rates to discourage operations over seas; developing green energy programs; develop our natural oil and gas resources and biofuels; increase the role of the small business administration; enforce our existing trade laws and to devise programs with the federal reserve to free up lending.
Economy- Ridding the inherent problems within government and replacing them with a new era of pride in America and strengthening our freedoms. Massive problems exist in the cumbersome size of our government such as wasteful spending and unneeded regulations which hamper the free economy. Problems exist in the 2 party system in which parties are willing to spend wildly just to court favor with the voters so as to obtain their vote. A problem exists also with the funding system of politicians in which they realize if they want to stay in Washington they had better cater to lobbiests. Under the Duncan administration all will have the American dream oppurtunity. We will go forth united ethically and morally preserving our free speech, religion choices, allowing businesses to operate under the free market system, and preserving unreasonable searches and seizures and gun rights.
Immigration- Immigration problems will be dealt with sternly by requiring all illegals currently in the country to register and to wait in line like every one has to or risk permanent disqualification to entry. 
Deficit- The deficit problem will be addressed as stated above in the Duncan Plan and the size of government reduction. Lower tax rates will be proposed to help spur the economy but those in the top 2 percent of incomes will expect tax raises due to their ability to pay.
Foreign Dependence- We will concentrate on oil and energy resources in our Country to avert the need to meddle into the oil resources in the mideast which can lead to uneeded political wars. As noted above reduced borrowing from China and Japan will take place from the balancing of our budget.Equal oppurtunities for education will be provided for all so as to provided those disadvantaged economically or socially to achieve the American dream.

Duncan's Vice President is Ricky Johnson. No picture was found for him.

(Credits go to for providing this information.)

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