Saturday, November 3, 2012

Jim Reese for Congress?

The first person on the voting ballot for Congress is candidate Jim Reese of the Democratic Party.

Jim's Plan-

**When we invent our products and protect our patents, Americans prosper.  
**When we manufacture our products in our towns and villages, Americans prosper.  
**When our small businesses and entrepreneurs bring products to market, Americans prosper.
**This is the basic equation for American financial prosperity.  Despite what Republicans would have us believe, America is not a financial services economy.  America did not become the number one economic power in the world by shuffling around other people’s money well.
**America became number one in the world by inventing and manufacturing the best products in the world.
**In congress, I will focus on common sense economic revival: creating and protecting American jobs, fostering American invention and innovation and supporting American manufacturing.
**My plan is to preserve The American Dream by bringing back America’s economy of invention and domestic manufacturing.

(Credits go to for the given information.)

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